PyTel - Python things for .tel

.tel is a new top level domain name (TLD) for storing contact information (e.g. e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc). It includes facilities for making some of your information 'private' (only visible to people you allow to see that information).

PyTel is a collection of python bits and bobs for using .tel domains.

The two main applications provided here are:

Full details are provided in the included README file.


Download: pytel-0.1.tar.gz.

This software is provided under the BSD License (see included README for full details).

.tel Lookup using the Snom Minibrowser

The pictures below show what the .tel lookup looks like using the Snom 360 Minibrowser.

Picture of standard Snom 360 menu screen Standard Snom 360 menu.

Picture of the .tel search screen .tel Search entry.

Picture of a the waiting message seen whilst a lookup is in progress Waiting...

Picture of the results screen for a .tel search Search results.

Picture of a menu screen showing a list of .tel domains for known friends Menu of known friends.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to my employer for allowing me to release this. Thanks also to Lawrence and Nadya for encouraging me to do so.

© 2009 Andrew McDonald <andrew{at}>.